
Current Issue

Vol. 16 (2025): V.16, 2025 (JANEIRO-DEZEMBRO)
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The UFC Journal of Psychology was founded in 1983 in print format and restored in electronic format in 2010, under ISSN 2179-1740. It is inserted in the Qualis/CAPES platform and in several databases (REDALYC, LILACS, Index Psi, MIAR, Sumários Org, NSD, CLASE), directories (REDIB, LIVRE, ERIH PLUS, I2OR, MIGUILIM), indexes and portals (LATINDEX, DIADORIM, ResearchBib, DOAJ, Biblat, DRJI, EZB, DIALNET, Google Scholar, LatinREV). It is published continually and has an interface between undergraduate and graduate programs in Psychology, structuring itself in accordance with its fields of research.