Mergers and acquisitions. Discounted cash flow. Monte Carlo simulation and synergy. Valuation.Abstract
This study is mainly aimed to determine whether there is synergy in a case of Merger and Acquisition (M & A), whose case study was the company TOTVS S/A. For this, it was used the method of discounted cash flow, in order to check the value of the company before and after the merger, and thus calculate the value of synergy. Associated with this technique was introduced the stochastic analysis from the Monte Carlo simulation, in order to assess the effect of economic fluctuations on firm value. As a result it was observed that there was a positive synergy resulting from the merger studied and simulated fluctuations in the economy, while decreasing the value of the company, secured almost 100% sure that there would be positive synergy in the case of the merger in study: TOTVS and Logo center.
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