Self-care deficit in primigestas: proposal for nursing assistance in the prenatal


  • Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias
  • Terêsa Neumann Alcoforado Costa


Self-care deficit, Prenatal assistance, Primigestas.


This exploratory descriptive study is based on Orem’s Theoretical Model. Its purpose was to identify self-care deficits in primigestas and to elaborate a proposal consisting of nursing prescriptions based on the clients’ self-care deficits. The sample consisted of 36 primigestas who attended the Prenatal Service. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The principal self-care deficits identified in the study were in the areas of nutrition, preparation for labor and the emotional state. These were related to low socio-economic level, age, socio-psychological factors and lack of individualized health care. Following the identification of these factors, a supportive-educative proposal for nursing assistance (orientation, support and the promotion of a developmental environment) based on Orem’s Self-care Deficit Theory was selected toward an end of compensating for the self-care deficits.



Como Citar

Farias, M. do C. A. D. de, & Costa, T. N. A. (2001). Self-care deficit in primigestas: proposal for nursing assistance in the prenatal. Rev Rene, 2(1). Recuperado de



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