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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not under evaluation for publishing by another journal.
  • All the text is formatted in Times New Roman, font 12, 1.5cm space between lines and spacing of 0pt before and after. The four margins of 2.5cm, paper A4 and paragraphs 1cm. The pages are numbered from the Introduction. Pictures and Tables are in the text. The file of the submission is in Microsoft Word format and without identifying the authors.
  • The abstracts is presented only in the language of submission, in Times New Roman, font 12 and simple space. It must not exceed the limit of 200.The descriptors are below the abstract in two languages English / Portuguese with the name and Descriptors and Descriptors. Limited from 3 to 5, separated by semicolon and with capital initials, except for the prepositions, according to DeCS.
  • The text does not present acronyms, prioritizing their description, except for the ones which are internationally recognized. Furthermore, it follows the standards of style and requirement of formatting described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • The title is presented only in the language of submission must have a maximum of 16 words, in lowercase, that is, only the initial words use capital letters, and with proper names, without geographical location study.
  • The titles of the sections of the articles are typed in lowercase, only the initials use capital letters, and in bold: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Study limitations, Contributions to practice, Conclusion, and References.
  • The article is within the limits of words and references preconized for each category of the journal.
  • It does not have the names of the authors in the text; they were substituted by their numerical codification, superscript, with parenthesis and without space between the last word and the parenthesis. It avoids the use of expressions such as according to … etc.
  • The references follow the Vancouver style, according to the model exposed in the Guidelines of Publishing.
  • The declarations must be accorded to the models available in the Guidelines for authors, signed by all the authors. These were printed, signed, scanned and included in a Supplementary Document. Documents with pasted signatures are not accepted.
  • In the case of Articles of Research, the document of approval of the committee of ethical in research as digitalized document, enclosed as supplementary file is sent.
  • The Checklist is sent filled in as supplementary document.
  • The proof of payment referent of fees of evaluation, in the amount of R$200.00, as supplementary document, after the pre-analysis approval of the manuscript. This amount can also be paid directly in the Secretary of the Journal.
  • Adhesion to the cost of translation of the article into English after approval.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy and Ethical Considerations

Rev Rene publishes manuscripts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish by researchers from the field of Nursing and related disciplines, provided that they contribute to the practice and discipline of Nursing.

Submission to Rev Rene implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts with similarities to previously published articles, even in parts of the text, figures, or tables, will be excluded from the evaluation process at any stage.

Rev Rene adopts the continuous publication process (rolling pass).

Average publication times from receipt to publication: Three months.

Data protection

When submitting a manuscript to Rev Rene, your name, e-mail address, affiliation, and other personal contact details will be used for regular production and publishing purposes. Rev Rene recognizes the importance of protecting users' personal information and seeks to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of personal data collected and processed.


Rev Rene will accept manuscripts from preprint repositories ( for the peer review process and supports open science policy by depositing data in national repositories (Open Data).

Open Access

This journal offers immediate Open Access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater global democratization of knowledge. Therefore, manuscript files can be downloaded at no charge.


Rev Rene uses the LOCKSS system. The LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system ensures secure and permanent journal cache archiving and is supported by OJS.

Data citation

The veracity of the information and citations is the authors' sole responsibility. Concepts, ideas, and opinions expressed in the manuscripts and the accuracy, adequacy, and origin of the bibliographic references are the authors' sole responsibility, not necessarily reflect the position of Rev Rene's Editorial Board.


Rev Rene follows the COPE (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors - Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. The Journal warns that copying a study or part of it by another author or even its own publication constitutes unacceptable fraud and dishonesty. Rev Rene uses the software iThenticate for locating similar texts and identifying plagiarism and self-plagiarism. The journal recommends that authors do not use the ideas and words from others without acknowledging the source of information. Check out more details about plagiarism and ethics at this link

Submission process 

Manuscripts must be submitted through the electronic system (OJS) in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. After approval in the pre-analysis carried out by the Chief Editor, the manuscript will be evaluated by the journal's editorial staff, who will verify the adherence to the guidelines available in the instructions to authors section ( If the manuscript returns more than three times to adapt to the journal's guidelines, it will be archived. 

Editorial Review and Acceptance

Rev Rene adopts as criteria for manuscript acceptance the quality, originality, priority, opportunity, and clarity of the research.

Manuscripts submitted and forwarded according to the publication rules will be sent for pre-analysis by the Editor-in-Chief, who will decide on their approval or rejection. The Editor-in-Chief will assess the relevance, suitability for the journal's scope, and the manuscript's originality.

If the manuscript is approved in the pre-analysis and is in accordance with the guidelines, it will be sent to the Associate Editor for the assignment of reviewers. Rev Rene follows the double anonymous review format. For each manuscript, Rev Rene requests analysis and issuance of an opinion by at least two ad hoc reviewers, who are researchers with established competence in the manuscript's area of ​​knowledge.

After the reviewers send their feedback, the Associate Editor will inform the recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, who will decide on the manuscript's approval, correction, or rejection, based on the evaluations carried out by the reviewers and the Associate Editor. Rev Rene will notify authors and reviewers of whether to accept or reject the manuscript. 

Monitoring of the evaluation process

The authors can monitor the editorial flow of the manuscript through the system Decisions about the manuscript will be communicated by e-mail and made available in the system.

General instructions

Authorship: The concept of authorship is based on the substantial contribution of each of the persons listed as authors. Authorship criteria should be based on the deliberations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (, which recommends that authorship be based on the following criteria: 1. Conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; 2. Drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3. Final approval of the version to be published; and 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. These four conditions must be fully met. All those designated as authors must meet the authorship criteria.

The maximum number of authors is seven. The inclusion of co-authors whose contribution does not meet the above criteria is not justified. People who provided technical or general support can be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section. All authors must inform their ORCID registration number (

Conflict of interest: All authors and reviewers must disclose any conflict of interest that may have arisen during the development of the study.

Funding: Declare the institutional or private sources of funding for carrying out the study. For those without financial resources, inform that the research received no funding. In the case of financial support from an institution, inform the grant number. 

Copyright: In case of approval of the manuscript, all material published will become Rev Rene's property, and the journal will become the holder of the authors' rights. The authors must forward a Statement of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer, signed by all co-authors (download).

Ethical aspects

 This journal follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. The journal adopts the Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (Vancouver style).

The ethical precepts of research involving human beings or animal experimentation must be respected. The publication of manuscripts reporting research results involving human beings is conditioned to the fulfillment of the ethical principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki (2008) from the World Medical Association. Compliance with the specific legislation of the country in which the research was carried out must be observed.

Research ethics, informed consent and patient details

Studies with patients or volunteers require informed consent and approval from a Research Ethics Review Committee (ERC). The protocol number issued by the ERC must be informed in the body of the article under review, specifically, in the last paragraph of the Methods section. One copy of the approval granted by the ERC must be attached and sent through the OJS electronic system. Authors must obtain the appropriate consents, permissions and releases related with the details and information of a patient's case or images of patients, and of any other individuals contained in the submission file. Written consents must be retained by the author but must not be sent to the journal. If it is necessary to show the patient's face or if the patient can be recognized from the image, then the authors must send a document of proper consent obtained from the patient when submitting the article, informing that the image will be used exclusively for scientific purposes. Authors should provide copies of consents or evidence that such consents were obtained only if requested in exceptional circumstances (e.g. if any legal issue arises). Even if the authors have a written permission from the patient or close relatives, any patient's personal information may not be included in any part of the article or supplemental material (including all illustrations and videos).

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that:

The written consent form meets every requirement of all applicable data protection and privacy laws. Particular care should be taken in obtaining consent with respect to children (in particular when a child has special needs or learning disabilities), when an individual's head or face is shown, or when reference is made to a participant's name or other personal details.

Concerning studies involving children, if the parent or guardian disagrees about the use of a child's image, then this image must not be used. It is also important to ensure that only images of children in appropriate attire are used in order to reduce the risk of them being used inappropriately.

Even if consent has been obtained, attention must be taken to ensure that the individual's portrait and caption are presented in a respectful manner and that they do not adversely affect that individual.

Studies in humans and animals

Research involving experiments on human beings must follow the World Medical Association's Ethical Principles (Declaration of Helsinki). The manuscript must also conform to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals (ICMJE) and include representative human populations (gender, age, and ethnicity) in accordance with these recommendations. The terms sex and gender must be used correctly.

The authors must include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained in experiments involving human subjects. Research subjects' privacy rights must always be observed.

All animal experiments must comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and be conducted in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and associated guidelines, the EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific experiments, the National Institutes of Health guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publication No. 8023, revised in 1978), and other national guidelines and legislation. Authors must clearly state in the manuscript that these guidelines were followed. The sex of animals must be indicated, and where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study.

Accepted Categories

Research manuscripts: Studies aimed at disseminating original and unpublished research results and analysis of theories or methods that underlie Nursing Science or related areas. The following structure must be used: Title, Abstract, Descriptors, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Study limitations, Contributions to practice, and Conclusion. The manuscript must have up to 5,000 words and up to 30 references.

Reviews: Critical and systematized literature review studies, including systematic reviews of qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method, or methodological studies and scoping reviews, among others. Reviews must follow the same structure as the research manuscripts. Review papers must have a maximum of 5,000 words and up to 50 references. 

Letters to the editor: Commentary papers on the content of manuscripts published in the journal. These manuscripts will be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. The letter must contain up to 1,000 words and a maximum of five references. 

Editorials: Text produced at the invitation of the Journal's Editors. It must contain up to 1,000 words and a maximum of five references. 

Guest author: Text produced at the invitation of the Journal's Editors. It follows the same structure as the research manuscripts.

Publishing costs

Processing fee

Manuscripts with all authors from institutions outside Brazil are exempt from evaluation and publication fees.

Submission Fee

There will be no submission fee.

Assessment Fee: 200.00 (BRL)

The evaluation fee must be paid after approval of the manuscript in the pre-analysis stage. The editorial staff will e-mail the authors requesting proof of payment via the OJS system, in PDF format, with the current payment date. Note that the fee will not be refunded if the manuscript is rejected.

Publication Fee: 800.00 (BRL)

Fees must be paid via bank transfers/deposits to Associação Cearense de Estudos e Pesquisas/Rev Rene

Bank data:

ACEP/Rev Rene

Account number: 114684-X

Agency: 1369-2

Bank of Brazil

CNPJ: 01921606/0001-22 ACEP/Rev Rene

Revision and translation costs

Approved manuscripts submitted in English or Spanish must undergo a professional language review. The review and translation costs are the responsibility of the authors. For manuscripts submitted in English and Spanish, a translation into Portuguese of the final approved version will be requested.

Portuguese language review

Authors must provide a grammar review, after approval of the manuscript for publication, according to the journal's guidelines. A company accredited by the journal must carry out the review. Authors must send the reviewer's statement along with the revised manuscript. This step is mandatory, and authors must have their manuscripts reviewed before sending the revised version to the journal.


According to the journal's guidelines, translations are requested from authors after final approval of the manuscript into a language other than the language of the publication. A company accredited by Rev Rene must carry out translations. The authors must send the translation company's statement along with the translated manuscript. This step is mandatory, and authors must have their manuscripts translated and edited before sending the translated version to the journal.

Preparing the manuscript for submission

Text presentation guidelines

The manuscripts must follow the guidelines of the EQUATOR Network, according to the type of study performed:

For all types of studies, consult the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence guide (SQUIRE 2.0 - checklist);

For a randomized clinical trial, use the CONSORT guide (checklist and flowchart);

For systematic reviews and meta-analysis, use the PRISMA guide (checklist and flowchart);

For other types of review, use the extensions of the PRISMA guide, available at

For observational studies in epidemiology, consult the STROBE guide (checklist).

For qualitative studies, use the COREQ guide (checklist).


Manuscripts must be presented in Microsoft Word files, A4 size, using 1.5 cm spacing, with margins of 2.5 cm (1") on each side, font size 12, Times New Roman, and paragraphs aligned at 1 cm. Bold, underline, capital letters, and Microsoft Word bullets are not allowed. To highlight terms in the text, use italics.

Structure: The text must contain the following structure: Title, Abstract, Descriptors in Portuguese (Descritores), Descriptors in English, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Study limitations, Contributions to practice, Conclusion, and References. Research manuscripts must contain up to 5,000 words and up to 30 references. Review papers must not exceed 5,000 words and 50 references. References will not be considered in the word count

Title Page

Manuscript title: The title must be synthetic and objective, presented only in the language of the submission, in bold, with a maximum of 16 words, in lower case, using capital letters only for the initial letter of the first word and proper names, centered, with a font size 12 and Times New Roman. Avoid using the geographic location of the research, acronyms, and abbreviations in the title.

Authors: The indication of the authors' names must be presented just below the title of the manuscript, limited to seven except for multicentric studies, and followed by the text, with a font size 12, capital initials, separated by commas, with superscript numbers.

E.g.: Ana Fátima Carvalho Fernandes1, Viviane Martins da Silva2

Inform the ORCID registration number of all authors on the Title Page and in the system.

Authors' notes: Indicate the institution's name to which each author is affiliated, followed by city, state, and country. Then, inform the name and full address with the zip code of the corresponding author.

Authors' affiliations and e-mails must be inserted in the submission metadata.

E.g.: 1Federal University of Ceará. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.

Corresponding author: Author

Full address: insert zip code and e-mail

Manuscripts extracted from a dissertation or thesis must be indicated by an asterisk in a footnote, followed by the title of the dissertation or thesis, year of graduation, and institution that awarded the degree.

Acknowledgments: Optional item. It must be used to inform institutions or collaborators who do not qualify for authorship. In the case of financial support from an institution, inform the grant number.

Authors' contribution: Mandatory item. Authors must inform the contribution of all co-authors considering the following aspects: 1. Conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; 2. Writing the manuscript or relevant critical review of the intellectual content; 3. Final approval of the version to be published; 4. Responsibility for all aspects of the text in guaranteeing the accuracy and integrity of any part of the manuscript. These four conditions must be fully met.

Main Document

The main document must contain the title, the abstract with descriptors, and the body of the manuscript (the manuscript file can not contain any identification of the authors).

Manuscript title: The title must be synthetic and objective, presented only in the language of the submission, in bold, with a maximum of 16 words, in lower case, using capital letters only for the initial letter of the first word and proper names, centered, with a font size 12 and Times New Roman. Avoid using the geographic location of the research, acronyms, and abbreviations in the title.

Abstract: The abstract must be structured, without acronyms, written only in the language of the submission, with a maximum of 200 words. The following structure must be used: Objective, Methods (without study period and location), Results, Conclusion, and Contributions to practice, providing a clear and concise view of the content. It must be written in 1.5 cm spacing and with font size 12 Times New Roman. Clinical Trials must be presented along with the clinical trial registration number at the end of the abstract. The number of this record will not be counted in the number of words in the abstract.

Descriptors: Must be presented in Portuguese and English, separated by semicolons and capitalized, except for prepositions. Three to five descriptors must be included and selected from the list of Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS/LILACS/BIREME) available at or Medical Subject Headings (MESH) available at The following nomenclature must be used: Descritores and Descriptors, font size 12, in bold.

Text: The acronyms and abbreviations must be preceded by the full name when cited for the first time in the text. However, we suggest that acronyms be avoided in the text. Prioritize their description, except for those internationally recognized. Symbols must also be described. Footnotes must not be used.

Introduction: Present the theoretical foundation on the object of study. State, with the appropriate justifications and explanations, the originality and validity, purpose and applicability of the contribution to the intended knowledge. Use updated references (published in the last three years) with national and international coverage. The objective must be mentioned in the last paragraph of the Introduction.

Methods: Describe how the research was carried out, the logic of the author's reasoning in ordering the procedures, and the techniques applied to obtain the results. The statistical method and the mathematical criterion of data significance must also be stated. Structure the Methods section as follows (without sub-items): research design, population (stating the selection criteria), sample size calculation, measurement instrument (with information on validity and accuracy), data collection (last five years), and data analysis. In research involving human beings, provide the number of the approval protocol issued by a Research Ethics Committee and the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Appreciation (CAAE) and inform that the research was conducted under the required ethical standards.

Results: Describe what was found in the research without citations, comments, or personal (subjective) interpretations. Do not repeat information already described in the tables and figures. Note: All manuscripts must present the results separate from the discussion.

Discussion: Present the author's critical appraisal, the new and important aspects of the study, and explain the meaning of the results obtained, relating them to those from other studies. The language has to follow a critical style, and the verbs must be written in the past tense. The essence of the Discussion is the interpretation of results found and their relationship with existing knowledge to reach a conclusion.

Study limitations: Explain the study's limitations related to the chosen method or the study's representativeness/sample size, among others.

Contributions to practice: Describe the implications of the results found for the advancement of scientific knowledge in the fields of ​​healthcare and nursing.

Conclusion: Write the conclusion in a clear, simple, and direct manner, demonstrating the fulfillment of the proposed objective. In the case of more than one objective, there must be a conclusion for each objective. No other comments should be included in the Conclusion. This section must not have citations.

Elements of the main document

Depositions: In qualitative studies, the statements by deponents must be presented in italics, without square brackets or quotation marks, with a period after the identification of the deponent, in Times New Roman font size 10, and following the paragraph. Do not use italics to identify the deponent, which is mandatory, and use parentheses.

Tables and figures: The number of tables and figures is limited to five altogether. Tables must have a concise title located above their content, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are cited in the text, not using vertical or horizontal internal lines or shading. Internal lines must be used only under and above the header and in the bottom part. Explanatory notes must be put in the tables' footnotes, not in the title. Format tables using Microsoft Word and use font size 12, Times New Roman, and 1.5 cm spacing. Include right after the title: The "n" of study participants, city, state, country, and year. Avoid tables that occupy more than one page.

Figures: Visuals include charts, graphs, drawings, flowcharts, and photographs. They must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. The content of the graphs must not be the same as the tables. Figure legends, symbols, numbers, and other signs need to be identified and described as to their meaning in a footnote. If authors choose to use previously published illustrations, they must send written permission for their reproduction or inform the source in a footnote. Figures must be in high resolution, with a minimum of 900 DPI (dots per inch), and must be editable. The title must be presented below the figure.

Footnotes of tables and figures should be indicated by the sequential symbols *, †, ‡, §, || and ¶, which must be presented both inside the figure and in the footnote. Avoid using footnotes in the text.

References: In the text, citations must be numbered consecutively in superscript, Arabic numerals, in parentheses, without mentioning the authors' name, and without a space between the last word that precedes it. For example: Coronavirus(1). Sequential citations must be separated by a hyphen (E.g., 1-6); when interleaved, use a comma (E.g., 2,6,10). Citations of "ipsis literes" references must be presented in quotation marks, without italics, in Times New Roman font size 12 and following the text.

Observation: Updated citations must be prioritized (productions published in the last five years considering the time of manuscript submission). Authors must follow the proportionality of at least 80% of references from journals indexed in international databases.

Avoid citations from theses, dissertations, term papers, books and chapters, newspapers or non-scientific magazines, and other sources (handouts, conference proceedings, etc.). Studies from scientific journals indexed in national and international databases consulted in full by the author and have a direct, relevant relationship with the subject addressed should be cited.

Citations at the end of the text: Use the Vancouver style. The titles of journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE. For journals not on this list, use the abbreviations from the National Collective Catalog of Serial Publications of the IBICT and the Portal of Health Sciences Scientific Journals of the VHL.

Authors: Cite up to six authors, separated by a comma, entering the surname, with only the initial capital letter, followed by the initials of first names and other surnames, without a period or any other connecting element between them. E.g., Silva VM. For references with more than six authors, please list the first six followed by et al., separating them with a comma. Pages: Suppress repeating tens or hundreds. E.g., use 43-8 and not 43-48.

References to manuscripts published in Latin American journals with an English version must be cited in English. Enter the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​or the access link of all references cited in the manuscript.

Examples of references

Manuscripts with DOI identifier

Feitor SA, Borges EMN. Happiness at work and psychological trauma in nurses. Rev Rene. 2022;23:e71953. doi:

Electronic manuscripts

Trujillo-Hernández PE, Gómez-Melasio DA, Lara-Reyes BJ, Medina-Fernández IA, Hernández-Martínez EK. Association between sociodemographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, stress and anxiety in times of COVID-19. Enferm Glob [Internet]. 2021 [cited Jan 12, 2022];20(64):14-24. Available from:

Manuscripts with more than six authors

Alferes LPSP, Martins MMFPS, Santos MR, Teixeira MJR, Poeira AFS, Pires RMF, et al. Nurse managers in mental health units: from activities to time management. Rev Rene. 2022;23:e71282. doi:

Manuscripts from a supplement

Mendes M, Bordignon JS, Menegat RP, Schneider DG, Vargas MAO, Santos EKA, et al. Neither angels nor heroes: nurse speeches during the COVID-19 pandemic from a Foucauldian perspective. Rev Bras Enferm. 2022; 75(suppl 1):e20201329. doi:


Lavorato Neto G, Rodrigues L, Silva DARD, Turato ER, Campos CJG. Spirituality review on mental health and psychiatric nursing. Medrxiv. 2018. Preprint(v.2) [cited  Jan 12, 2022]. doi:

Editorial articles

Lopes MVO. The role of researchers after the COVID-19 pandemic [editorial]. Rev Rene. 2022;23:e72190. doi:


Minayo MCS, Costa AP. Técnicas que fazem uso da palavra, do olhar e da empatia: Pesquisa Qualitativa em Ação. Aveiro: Ludomedia; 2019.

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Health and foreign policy: 20 years of the International Health Affairs Office of the Ministry of Health of Brazil (1998-2018) [Internet]. 2019 [cited Jan 12, 2022]. Available from:

Book chapters

Leite SS, Áfio ACE, Carvalho LV, Silva JM, Almeida PC, Pagliuca LMF. Utilização de instrumentos para validação do conteúdo de tecnologias educacionais para cuidado de saúde. In: Magalhães TMM, Borges JWP, Garcês TS, organizadores. Instrumentos em enfermagem e saúde: construção, validação e utilização. Curitiba: CRV; 2019. p. 47-56.

Legal documents

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Conselho  Nacional de Saúde. Resolução nº 466 de 12 de dezembro de 2012: aprova as diretrizes e normas regulamentadoras de pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos [Internet]. 2012 [cited Jan 12, 2022]. Available from:

Submission of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically, following the instructions published on the following website:

Address: Rua Alexandre Baraúna, 1115, Rodolfo Teófilo, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. CEP: 60430-160

Phone: + 55 85 3366-8453




Research Article

Studies aimed at disseminating original and unpublished research results and analysis of theories or methods that underlie Nursing Science or related areas. The following structure must be used: Title, Abstract, Descriptors, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Study limitations, Contributions to practice, and Conclusion. The manuscript must have up to 5,000 words and up to 30 references.

Review Article

Critical and systematized literature review studies, including systematic reviews of qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method, or methodological studies and scoping reviews, among others. Reviews must follow the same structure as the research manuscripts. Review papers must have a maximum of 5,000 words and up to 50 references.

Letters to the editor

Commentary papers on the content of manuscripts published in the journal. These manuscripts will be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. The letter must contain up to 1,000 words and a maximum of five references.


Text produced at the invitation of the Journal's Editors. It must contain up to 1,000 words and a maximum of five references.

Guest Author

Text produced at the invitation of the Journal's Editors. It follows the same structure as the research manuscripts.

Privacy Statement

When submitting a manuscript to Rev Rene, your name, e-mail address, affiliation, and other personal contact details will be used for regular production and publishing purposes. Rev Rene recognizes the importance of protecting users' personal information and seeks to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of personal data collected and processed.