Impact of the choice of the pedagogical model on the scientific production of nursing graduate programs


  • Cesar Cavalcanti da Silva
  • Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva
  • Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega
  • Telma Ribeiro Garcia


Nursing, Knowledge, Education, Competency-Based Education.


Taking as an example the Nursing Graduation Program of the Health Sciences Center at the Federal University of Paraiba – PPGENF/CCS/UFPB, the authors reflect on the impact of the choice of the pedagogical model on the scientific production of nursing graduate programs, and suggest that the adoption of a Competency-based pedagogical approach would promote changes in the graduate students’ educational processes, with possible repercussion on the social attainment of their academic productions.




Como Citar

Silva, C. C. da, Silva, A. T. M. C. da, Nóbrega, M. M. L. da, & Garcia, T. R. (2005). Impact of the choice of the pedagogical model on the scientific production of nursing graduate programs. Rev Rene, 6(1). Recuperado de



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