Practices which are harmful to delivery: report of health workers from the south of Brazil


  • Vanessa Franco de Carvalho
  • Nalú Pereira da Costa Kerber
  • Josefine Busanello
  • Marilice Magroski Gomes da Costa
  • Bruna Goulart Gonçalves
  • Vanessa Franco de Quadros


Natural Childbirth, Workers, Delivery of Health Care, Nursing, Women´s Health


This study aims to identify the use of practices characterized as harmful in normal childbirth in a university hospital in southern Brazil, according to local workers´ reports. This exploratory-descriptive research was developed through interviews with 23 workers between July 2008 and October 2009. A descriptive analysis was made of the data correlation, established with World Health Organi­zation and Ministry of Health recommendations. It was made evident that most workers applied practices considered detrimental to parturition, such as: episiotomy, shaving and use of oxytocin. The only practice in disuse in the unit under studied was the entero­clysis. In order to change this reality, there must be investment in training courses and successful experiences of natural childbirth.




Como Citar

Carvalho, V. F. de, Kerber, N. P. da C., Busanello, J., Costa, M. M. G. da, Gonçalves, B. G., & Quadros, V. F. de. (2010). Practices which are harmful to delivery: report of health workers from the south of Brazil. Rev Rene, 11. Recuperado de



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