Risk of falls and associated factors in institutionalized elderly


  • Jacy Aurelia Vieira de Sousa
  • Anna Isadora Ferreira Stremel
  • Clóris Regina Blanski Grden
  • Pollyanna Kássia de Oliveira Borges
  • Péricles Martim Reche
  • Juliana Heloise de Oliveira da Silva




Health of the Elderly, Accidental Falls, Homes for the Aged, Nursing.


Objective: to identify the factors associated with the risk of falls in institutionalized elderly. Methods:analytical study carried out in two long-stay institutions for the elderly, with 61 residents of both sexes. Data collection was performed by means of a socio-demographic and clinical form and Downton’s Fall Risk Index. Results: 31 (50.8%) old people at high risk of falling were identified. There was an association of risk for falls in institutionalized elderly with gender (p=0.007), age (p=0.004), time of institutionalization (p=0.028), adverse events (p=0.000), use (p=0.035) and number of drugs (p=0.038), use of auxiliary equipment (p=0.022), type of walking (p=0.044) and history of falls in the last 12 months (p=0.000).Conclusion: it is recognized as essential to identify factors associated with the occurrence of falls for the prioritization of specific interventions aimed at institutionalized elderly.




Como Citar

Sousa, J. A. V. de, Stremel, A. I. F., Grden, C. R. B., Borges, P. K. de O., Reche, P. M., & Silva, J. H. de O. da. (2016). Risk of falls and associated factors in institutionalized elderly. Rev Rene, 17(3), 416–421. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2016000300016



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