Quality of life of people with diabetic foot
Quality of Life, Diabetic Foot, Foot Ulcer.Resumo
Objective: evaluate the quality of life of people with diabetic foot and its association with age and gender. Methods: cross-sectional study conducted with people with diabetic foot seen in the vascular clinic of a municipal hospital. Sociodemographic, clinical, lifestyle and evaluation of quality of life SF-36 questionnaires were used. Results: sample was consisted of 48 people. The majority was elderly (58.4%), female (56.3%), non-smoker (93.7%), non-alcoholic (83.4%), with recurrence of ulcers (50.0%), with present secretion (54.2%) and absent fetid odor (81.3%). Regarding quality of life, the best result was in the domain vitality and the worse, in the domain physical aspects. All domains, except the vitality, had a score below 50 in the measurement of quality of life. There was no significant difference in the comparison of quality of life between age groups and gender. Conclusion: participants presented domains of quality of life that tend to a poorer health status.Downloads
Como Citar
Neto, P. M. L., Lima, P. H. S. de, Santos, F. D. . R. P., Jesus, L. M. de S. de, Lima, R. J. C. P., & Santos, L. H. dos. (2016). Quality of life of people with diabetic foot. Rev Rene, 17(2), 191–197. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2016000200006
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