Rights of patients required in a public service ombudsman
Patient Advocacy, Primary Health Care, Patient Rights.Resumo
Objective: analyzing the rights of patients required in a public service ombudsmen. Methods: an exploratory, descriptivestudy of documentary research. 109 complaint forms coming from the basic network were analyzed, related to 12 BasicHealth Units located within the Southern Health Technical Supervision. Results: grouped into four categories of requiredrights: access to goods and services (62.4%) being, access to specialized exams (28.7%), access to consultations (16.6%),referral to a specialist (5.7%), referral for urgent/emergency cases (1.3%), monitoring through home visits (7.6%),guaranteed medications (2.5%). Quality of health services (36.9%) divided into: decent, considerate and respectful care(26.8%), guidance/clarification (9.6%), and public disclosure of government programs (0.6%) and adequate infrastructure(0.6%). Conclusion: the rights that patients required are related to access, quality, treatment and adequate infrastructure.Downloads
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Martins, M. S., Goese, P. B., Barrionovo, M. M., & Massarollo, M. C. K. B. (2015). Rights of patients required in a public service ombudsman. Rev Rene, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2015000300006
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