Care with a child porter of meningomyelocele: family living
Palabras clave:
Meningomyelocele, Child, Family, Care, NursingResumen
The child with meningomyelocele presents special needs that require continuous familiar cares. The objective was to know the needs felt by family in relation to care with the child porter of meningomyelocele. Study with qualitative approach done with fi fteen families in July 2006 through interviews semi-structured. The categories of analysis were: Needs of mother/family in search of cares to child health; Needs and special cares of child in daily life; (In) satisfaction of family and feelings of conformation. The results shown that the needs of children/family extended mainly to physical, psychosocial and fi nancial problems. The non-satisfaction is created by troubles in attendance and by failure in communication. We concluded, to minimize the adversities provoked by disease and promote the sheltering of families are necessary interdisciplinary intervention with institutional support: actions that promote betterment in care and approximation of integrality proposed by Only System of Health.