Memory game as educative strategy for preventing enteroparasitosis: experience report
Palabras clave:
Health promotion, Health education, Play and playthings, Parasitic diseases.Resumen
The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of nursing students in education interaction with preschoolers’ caregivers as far as prevention of enteroparasitosis in preschoolers is concerned.This is a descriptive study, like a reporting experience. This activity counted with the participation of 09 caregivers, in the months of June and October 2006. The group had active participation in the experiment and the knowledge shared from a Giant Memory Game with pictures dealing with the transmission or prevention forms of intestinal parasitosis. We consider that this educational strategy enabled the caregivers to have a better understanding on the prevention of intestinal parasitosis by having the opportunity to show their doubts. In addition, the caregivers felt motivated, what is essential, since the process of Health Education is a necessary stimulus for the construction of knowledge, with the goal of causing change in habits.