Factors related to the quality of life of diabetic patients
https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2015000500004Palabras clave:
Quality of Life, Diabetes Mellitus, Nursing.Resumen
Objective: to analyze the association among the variables of socio-demographic, clinical and lifestyle of diabetics, correlating them to the domains of Diabetes Quality of Live-Brazil scale. Methods: a cross-sectional analytical study of 60 diabetic patients enrolled in a primary care unit. The scale has 44 items divided into four domains: Satisfaction, Impact, Social/ Vocational and General concerns related to diabetes. Results: it was found that patients who do not adopt healthy lifestyle habits have improved levels of quality of life, since being “sick” usually occurs with complications. The most prevalent needs changes were: dietary change, physical activities and monitoring of foot care. Conclusion: the use of instruments validated as DQOL-Brazil provides a better view of the patient´s health status, being important to the effective intervention of the nurse on the negative aspects found.Descargas
Cómo citar
Frota, S. S., Cavalcante Guedes, M. V., & Lopes, L. V. (2015). Factors related to the quality of life of diabetic patients. Rev Rene, 16(5), 639–648. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.2015000500004
Research Article