About the Journal

Aims and scope

Rev Rene is a scientific journal whose aims and scope is to disseminate studies and research in the field of Nursing on the provision of health care, teaching, management, research methods, including interdisciplinary interfaces with other areas of Health Sciences. The journal publishes original articles, review articles, letters to the editor and editorials, the latter for guest editors. The editorial process adopts the double-blind peer review system, in which manuscripts are sent for analysis by specialists, meeting the criteria established in the editorial policy. The journal adopts the bilingual language in its editions, that is, it publishes a version of the articles in Portuguese and another in English.

Commitment to Open Science
Rev Rene is committed to the Open Science movement, as well as constantly seeking to conform to UNESCO guidelines and recommendations for open, collaborative, shared and public scientific practice.
The journal also encourages authors to share their analysis datasets, instruments, scripts, statistical analysis data, scripts, models, among other various types of additional materials in open online repositories, such as Zenodo, Figshare, OSF, among others. Information on the availability of datasets can be indicated in the manuscript upon request by the authors.

Rev Rene encourages the publication of preprints on public platforms such as Preprints, SciELO Preprints and EmeRI.

Nurses, professors and researchers in the Nursing area, and other professionals linked to the Health Sciences area.

To promote the development and exchange of knowledge directly relevant to all spheres of Nursing practice and other health professionals, as well as being committed to providing a journal of excellence for the Nursing and Health Sciences area, based on scientific knowledge, experience and innovation.

Rev Rene adopts the rolling pass system, making the article publication process faster. In this modality, there is no periodicity or issues, that is, the approved articles will be published as soon as they have completed the necessary procedures in the editorial process (peer review, standardisation and language review, layout, etc.), thus constituting one volume per year.

Brief history

Rev Rene is edited by the Federal University of Ceará, under the responsibility of the Nursing Department and the Graduate Nursing Program. The journal has its origin in the Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste (RENE).

The first volume of the journal was released in 2000 and was published every six months until 2004. At this stage, manuscripts produced by authors from the Northeast region predominated. In 2005, a four-monthly basis was established, achieving the first indexes in international databases. Soon after, the content became available in an open format by electronic means. In 2012, Rev Rene adopted the OJS system with the edition of five annual issues. Its print version (ISSN 1517-3852) was discontinued that year. In 2013, the journal became bimonthly and bilingual.

In 2018, a continuous publication process (rolling pass) was adopted, and the journal has become part of the Portal of Periodicals of the Federal University of Ceará. In 2019, the jornal was renamed from the title Revista da Rede de Enfermagem do Nordeste to Rev Rene. The journal is indexed in national and international databases and is affiliated with the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (in Portuguese, ABEC).

Rev Rene is moving towards Open Science. Since 2021, the journal has disclosed the names of the editors responsible for the manuscripts.