Social SPACE nursing work, integrating knowledge and actions, is linked to the realityfrom the perspective of personal and professional development. Many challenges arise as a result of the difficult social conditions of life of the country, resulting inshortage of opportunities. These, far fromintimidating, to stimulate growth and scientificprofessional nurse who every day has been developing more his conscience and his convictions about the need to equip yourself with savvy tools to encourage you to competein a globalized market, semi-virtualised, both in teaching and in service. Despite the everconstant presence of the machine, human labor is every day more, highlighted thesusceptibilities of reason and sensitive, and it is this same reality that is observed, every day more people yearning for a look and a warmtouch.Published
How to Cite
Rodrigues, M. S. P. (2000). Editorial. Rev Rene, 1(2). Retrieved from