Assessment of health care services for people with stoma: a multi-case study
Ostomy; Health Care (Public Health); Health Services; Program Evaluation.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the health care services of people with stoma. Methods:a multi-case study that analyzed the implementation of five regional services. Three components were defined, namely Service management, Clinical care and Educational assistance. The degree of implementation set by a score system was classified as complete, satisfactory, poor, not implemented. Results:a service was evaluated with “completely implemented” and another as “not implemented”. The best components evaluated were Clinical Care and Service Management; the one that obtained lower assessment was Educational assistance. Structural limitations included a lack of complete health staff and lack of clinical and organizational protocols. In the Process, there was a shortage of consultations carried out by the team, formation of support groups and health education. Conclusion:the regional services surveyed are not adequate to subsidize planning, monitoring and services to people with stoma, as they present structural and procedural problems that interfere with the quality of care.
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