Tuberculosis in the homeless population: performance of primary health care professionals
Tuberculosis; Homeless Persons; Primary Health Care; Program Evaluation.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the actions to control tuberculosis in the homeless population. Methods: this is an evaluative research that had the participation of 171 family health strategy professionals. An instrument addressing aspects of tuberculosis care for homeless people was used in the study. The performance of professionals was analyzed through the evaluation of variables extracted from an exploratory factor and reliability analyses. Results: in the factor 1, on actions to control tuberculosis in the homeless population, the variables were classified as incipient and partially satisfactory; in the factor 2, on the support that the teams should receive to direct tuberculosis control actions in the homeless population, the variables were classified as unsatisfactory and incipient. Conclusion: the actions to control tuberculosis in the homeless population do not consider the specificities of this population, contrary to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.
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