Clinical praxis in historical-cultural psychology: a study of Brazilian theses and dissertations




Clinic, Vygotsky, Cultural-historical psychology


This article synthesizes the results of a master's research, whose main objective was to analyze dissertations and theses published in Brazil over the past twenty years that addressed clinical praxis in the light of Historical-Cultural Psychology. To achieve this purpose, five academic productions published between 2001 and 2021 were analyzed, employing content analysis, which consists of four main stages: pre-analysis, analytical description, categorization, and interpretation. In a complementary way, a script composed of eleven guiding questions was used to assist and direct the reading of the materials. Through this methodology, the category of activity was reached as the essential unit of analysis of the research, aiming to explain the understanding of the analyzed researchers about the clinic in Historical-Cultural Psychology. The structural foundations of the activity that guided the analyzes were: the purpose of work in the clinic; the object (matter) on which this work incides and the means required for this intervention. In summary, the results highlighted the role of the psychologist as a mediator, consciousness as the object of clinical praxis, and dialogue as the main working tool. The research also highlighted the scarcity of materials and the importance of reflections and debates for the continuous collective development of this praxis.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Vieira Faria, Unesp - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras (FCLAs)

Master in Psychology from the São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" (UNESP), Assis Campus. He graduated from the same institution. He was an extensionist in the Youth and Adult Education Project - PEJA (2017-2020). She was an intern at the Center for Research and Applied Psychology "Dra. Betti Katzenstein" (CPPA) and the emphasis entitled "Childhood education and historical-cultural psychology: problematization and intervention". Member of the Marxist Studies Group in Education and Psychology - GEMEPSI - UNESP/Campus de Assis-SP - certified by CNPq. Interested in the following topics: Historical-Cultural Psychology, Human Development, Educational and Clinical Psychology.

Claudia Aparecida Valderramas Gomes, Unesp - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras (FCLAs)

Graduated in Psychology from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/Bauru, with a Master's and Doctorate in Education - Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at UNESP/Marília. Lecturer in the Undergraduate course, department of social psychology, and in the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Faculty of Sciences and Letters at UNESP/Assis - Psychology and Society area of ​​knowledge. Researcher and leader of the Marxist Studies Group in Education and Psychology - GEMEPSI - UNESP/Campus de Assis-SP - certified by CNPq. Areas of study and research: Fundamentals of Historical-Cultural Psychology, Educational Psychology, Human development, childhood and adolescence.


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How to Cite

Vieira Faria, A. P., & Valderramas Gomes, C. A. (2025). Clinical praxis in historical-cultural psychology: a study of Brazilian theses and dissertations. Journal of Psychology, 16, e025003.