The 50+ College Professor
Perceptions about the College Professor Career, Retirement and Aging
Retirement. College Professor Career. 50 College Professor. Senior Professor. College Professor.Abstract
College Professors over 50 years of age represent about 10% of the total number of professionals hired at Higher Education Institutions in Brazil, according to INEP data (2017). The objective of the research was to analyze the perception of Professors, aged 50 years or older, about their career and the permanence as a Professor at the university after retirement. This is a qualitative study with interviews and content analysis. The results revealed as a positive aspect the autonomy at work and, as a negative aspect, the deficient university management regarding actions aimed at 50+ College Professor. It is hoped that this research will motivate future studies, discussions and the development of policies and strategies considering the work, pre- and post-retirement of 50+ College Professor.
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