Remembering to resist:
Specificity and interlocution of curricular policies for EJA and Professional Education
Public policy. Professional education. Curriculum.Abstract
This article brings to mind an experience of municipal public policy on of professional Education integrated with Youth and Adult Education in the elementary school stage. The research aims to highlight the process of construction of local public policy, observing their curricular specificities and their approximation with the national policy of integral training of workers, from 2004 to 2016. The investigation is of a qualitative character, systematized in a profile of document study. In order to organize this methodology, there is a treatment of the profile of the municipal policy and there is an analysis of this experience in compliance with Decree 5154/04 and the Document of the National Program for the Integration of Professional Education with Basic Education in the Youth and Adult Education modality (PROEJA). Thus, the systematization started from the specific documents of the municipality under study and from the documents of the national policies mentioned. The reflection is based on the analysis of the categories integral training and work as an educational principle. The theoretical framework is affiliated with the concept of critical-humanistic education. The conclusion showed that the municipal policy was close to the national policy, as it presented a commitment to educating workers in an emancipatory perspective, based on the founding principles of integral training, besides, it elucidated their own paths, portraying curricular specificities that proposal of Professional Education of critical basis.
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