Service supply chain management; operational performance; big data analytics; customer satisfactionAbstract
The aim of the study was to examine the mediating effect of big data analytics (BDA) as a tool in the relationship between service supply chain management and operational performance in the pursuit of customer satisfaction. To this end, an exploratory descriptive research was conducted with a sample of 125 managers of residential and building service and condominium companies in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The data, treated by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling, revealed that BDA partially mediates the relationship between service supply chain management and operational performance, which in turn positively influences customer satisfaction. From these results it can be concluded that BDA is an important management tool for facilitating the execution of service activities in residential condominiums in order to foresee problems in equipment used by customers, such as elevators, hydraulic pumps, automatic gates and access monitoring cameras, thereby improving the operational performance of condominium service companies and contributing customer satisfaction with service provision.
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