Carta ao/à espectador/a pandêmico/a


  • Cecília Lauritzen URCA
  • Igor Miranda FAP
  • Sâmia Ramare Grupo Ninho
  • Lívio do Sertão FatoZero
  • Lucas Galdino Quebrada Cultural




The performative action entitled “Letter to the pandemic spectator - CEP” consists of the distribution of letters addressed to the anonymous pedestrian-spectator. The cards are visibly posted in public places close to the researchers' homes. Collection points are installed in these places, as the pedestrian-spectator is given the possibility to respond to the letter physically or electronically. The entire process of writing, distributing, collecting and reading the letters was recorded on video for the production of this audiovisual material.

Author Biographies

Igor Miranda, FAP

Igor Miranda is an actor, architect and urban planner and professor. Master (UFRJ) and Doctoral Student (ULisboa) in Urban Planning, he conducts research related to mobility and public space since graduation (UEMA). He currently teaches courses related to the city, public space and urban planning at Centro Universitário Paraíso, in Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Sâmia Ramare, Grupo Ninho

Artist/Teacher and Researcher. Graduated in Theater from the Regional University of Cariri – URCA (2018). Since 2004 she has been carrying out research in the field of Performing Arts. She is a member and director of the Associação Grupo Ninho de Teatro e Produções Artísticas, and is part of the Casa Ninho management team. She is a researcher at the Research Group – Artistic Occupations of the City / URCA / CnPq.

Lívio do Sertão, FatoZero

Environmental Technician by FATEC Cariri/CENTEC, Agricultural Engineer by UFCA and with a degree interrupted in Visual Arts by URCA (three semesters attended); I work in the areas of art and education. Independent artist and cultural producer, focusing on visual arts, performance, literature and integrated arts. I have developed research on art and politics, whiteness and masculinity, always trying to act with a decolonial bias. I collaborate with the Brasil de Fato CE communication system.

Lucas Galdino, Quebrada Cultural

Graduated in Theater from the Regional University of Cariri - URCA. Member of the Group of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Artistic Poetics - NIPA by the Artistic Occupations Research Group of the City - CNPQ/CAPES. Artist, Professor, Researcher at the Art Center Rector Maria Violeta Arraes de Alencar Gervaiseau - URCA. Costume Designer, Fashion Designer, Seamstress by Senac - Crato. Horizontaling scenic relationships in Coletivo Cínicas, grupoperformance. Founder of the unusual space for the arts, Quebrada Cultural - Triângulo/Juazeiro do Norte/Cariri/Ceará.



How to Cite

Lauritzen, C., Miranda Pinto, I., Ramare de Oliveira Mendes, S., Diego Duarte Brandão, L., & Galdino da Silva, L. (2021). CEP: Carta ao/à espectador/a pandêmico/a. Revista Vazantes, 5(1), 308–315. https://doi.org/10.36517/vazppgartesufc2021.1.71213