Silicon sources on common beans genotypes for rainy and dry season harvests


  • Itamar Teixeira Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Reginaldo Silva Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Alessandro Silva Universidade de Rio Verde
  • Pedro Korndörfer Universidade Estadual de Goiás


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sources of silicon on genotypes of common bean on the incidence and severity of diseases, levels of Si foliar, grain yield and its components, under the conditions in Ipameri, located in Goiás State, Brazil, during the two seasons of cultivation (“summer” and “summer-fall”). The treatments consisted on the combination of two cultivars of common bean (Pérola and Aporé) with three sources of silicon (Rocksil, 30 g L-1; Saborsil AC77, 20 g L-1 and Silicate Potassium, 30 g L-1) and two control treatments (cultivars that not received any type of silicon fertilizer). In the summer season was used a randomized block design, in a factorial scheme 2x3+2, with four replications. In the summer-fall season was added one more cultivar on the treatments, the cultivar BRSMG Talismã, with all combinations of treatments maintained. The experimental results indicated that for the summer season a foliar application of Si promoted reduction on the severity of anthracnosis and angular spot leaf and for the bacterial bligth in the summer-fall season. The cultivar Pérola was the most productive in the summer season, while in the summer-fall season the behavior was similar to cultivars Aporé and BRS Talismã. The sources Rocksil, Soborsil and Potassium Silicate do not differ on ability to provide Si to plants of common bean by pulverization of foliar solution. The grain yield and its components (number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and weight of a hundred grains) were not affected by fertilization of silicon foliar solution pulverization.






Crop Science