This work was performed in a hangar in DSER/CCA/UFPB/Campus II Areia and it was used seedlings of maniçoba with nine months after sowing. This work aimed to obtain a model that allows estimating the leaf area of maniçoba. We studied the correlations between the real leaf area and the maximum length of the leaves (C), maximum width of the leaves (L) and the product between the length and the maximum width of leaves (C x L). We collected 162 leaves and evaluated leaves of different sizes cultivated in greenhouse due to four available water in the ground (20; 40; 60 and 80%). The results were submitted to regression analysis and the equations were obtained by Excel software. In a practical view, we suggest to use the simple linear equation, considering as a factor of correction the value of the angular coefficient obtained from the relation between the product C x L and real leaf area, where the straight line passes by the origin, a=0. In this way the estimate of the leaf area of maniçoba regardless of the species can be made by the equation AF = (C x L) x 0.533 with the determination coefficient of 0.89.