Globalization, Responsibility and the Pain of the Distant Other: notes for a research agenda
Globalization, Responsibility, Cosmopolitanism, Media, Distant SufferingAbstract
Th e article presents theoretical, methodological and ethico-political foundations for a sociological research agenda on “distant suff ering” (Boltanski), that is, the whole complex set of social-psychological phenomena involved in the presentation and reception of information and images of tragedies that aff ect spatially distant and culturally heterogeneous individuals and collectivities. Th e foundational character of the paper is refl ected in its attempt to situate the research program on the narrative and visual registers of distant suff ering, as well as on their cognitive, moral, emotional and practical impacts, within widespread sociological and normative concerns about: a) the eff ects of globalization on conceptions of moral responsibility; b) the psychological and motivational conditions of diff usion of cosmopolitan ethics; c) and, fi nally, the modes through which proximity and distance infl uence human agents’ “moral sentiments”.References
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