Art under authoritarian censorship?

Comparisons between Brazil and North Korea




Artistic field, Censorship, Authoritarianism, Jair Bolsonaro, North Korea


This work analyzes the accusations of censorship against the artistic field in contemporary Brazil from a comparative analysis with the North Korean artistic-cultural panorama. If these denunciations made by the cultural field qualify the Jair Bolsonaro administration (2018-2022) as authoritarian and fascist, the analysis of these attributions from the comparison with an authoritarian State tends to contribute to the understanding of the nature of national policies on the arts, which is important to analyze the potential authoritarianism of Jair Bolsonaro’s management (with regard to art and culture). To achieve this understanding, this article presents the ideology of the President of the Republic from the ideas of Olavo de Carvalho, unravels North Korean culture and arts and comparatively elaborates the results of this research based on Pierre Bourdieu's field theory.

Author Biography

Saulo Albert, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Mestrando em Memória: Linguagem e Sociedade, especialista em Sociopsicologia (FESPSP), em Psicopatologia Psicanalítica (UNIFG) e em Antropologia Cultural (PUCPR), bacharel em Direito (UESB) e bacharelando em Psicologia (FAINOR), em Sociologia (UNINTER) e em Filosofia (UNINTER).


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How to Cite

Albert, S. (2023). Art under authoritarian censorship? Comparisons between Brazil and North Korea. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 54(2), 263–296.