Urban Cultures and Youth Sociabilities: a (brief) conceptual route


  • Paula Guerra
  • Pedro Quintela


Youth, Youth Cultures, Subcultures, Neotribes, Scenes


This paper has an eminently theoretical nature and proposes a brief conceptual itinerary about how, since the post-war, the social sciences in general and sociology in particular, have considered the contemporary youth (sub)cultures. It recovers some of the essential foundations of the discipline associated with the Chicago School; then it discusses the invaluable contribution of the cultural studies but also the main criticisms that were pointed out to the CCCS’s researchers; and, fi nally, it explores some of the recent theoretical contributions associated with the so-called post-subcultural studies, refl ecting and considering the main limits, dilemmas and challenges that are currently faced by researchers who propose to study contemporary youth cultures and sociabilities.

Author Biography

Paula Guerra

Doutora em sociologia pela Universidade do Porto (UP). Professora na Faculdade de Letras (FL) e investigadora do Instituto de Sociologia (IS) da mesma universidade. É ainda investigadora convidada do Centro de Estudos de Geografi a e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT) e adjunct professor no Griffi th Centre for Cultural and Social Research (GCCSR) da Griffi th University, na Austrália. Tem sido professora visitante em várias universidades.
Coordena e participa de vários projetos de investigação nacionais e internacionais, no âmbito das culturas juvenis, das cenas musicais e da sociologia da arte e da cultura. Publicou recentemente os livros A instável leveza do rock
(Porto: Afrontamento, 2013) e As Palavras do Punk (Lisboa: Alêtheia, 2015) e é autora de artigos publicados em revistas como Critical Arts, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Sociologia – problemas e práticas ou Revista
Crítica de ciências sociais.


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How to Cite

Guerra, P., & Quintela, P. (2016). Urban Cultures and Youth Sociabilities: a (brief) conceptual route. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 47(1), 193–217. Retrieved from