Political violence in the thought of Antonio Gramsci (Quaderni del carcere: 1929-1935)



Political violence, Subaltern groups, Social classes, Quaderni del carcere, Antonio Gramsci


This text has the objective of mapping and articulating the main historiographical passages and theoretical reflections in which Antonio Gramsci deals with political violence in his Quaderni del carcere (1929-1935). The hypothesis developed is that such passages, gathered and articulated theoretically, serve to demonstrate the existence of a Gramscian method for the analysis of the theme. The method used will be the systematic and in-depth reading of the Quaderni, in the genetic-diachronic perspective, which seeks to contextualize the author's thinking by identifying the different sources of his reflection and his location in history. It seeks to undertake a rigorous reconstruction of the course of conceptual elaboration throughout the texts. The main conclusion reached by this work is that, in the analyzed writings, the political organization of subaltern groups that occurs outside the current institutionality occupies a determining value for the social emancipation and autonomous development of such groups.

Author Biography

Leandro Oliveira Galastri, Unesp-Marília

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais e do curso de graduação em Ciências Sociais da Unesp-Marília /


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How to Cite

Galastri, L. O. (2019). Political violence in the thought of Antonio Gramsci (Quaderni del carcere: 1929-1935). Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 50(2), 257–289. Retrieved from