
  • Lucio Oliver Costilla Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México


The article analyzes the main thesis about "The Manifest against Work", that appeared in 2003, of the Krisis' Group. Recognizing the importance of the renewed reflection about the role of the work and of the workers in the society nowadays, the author criticizes the arguments on the end of the work, State and Politics, as well as the anti-political option. This article emphasizes the discussion about the abstract work as social alienation and as about the abstract work as a principle of domination of the social relations. The author considers that more than a radical change of theory, the world today needs to know deeply the social cultural and political characteristics of the world of the work.

Author Biography

Lucio Oliver Costilla, Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México

Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Nacional Autônoma do México
(UNAM). professor titular da UNAM.


Grupo Krisis (2003). "Manifesto contra o trabalho". Journal da Crítica Radical: Assim caminha a humanidade e a morte do capitalismo. Edição especial, Fortaleza-CE, 30 de abril de 2003.

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Marx, Karl (1867). O Capital. Tomo I. México: Fondo de Cultura Econômica, cap. 1 e cap. XXVI.

Oliver Costilla, Lucia Fernando (1997). "O Estado perante a mundialização do capital". Revista de Ciências Sociais, v. 28, n. 1/2. Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Filosofia, Centro de Humanidades/UFC. Fortaleza.

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How to Cite

Costilla, L. O. (2018). THE END OF WORK OR DISENCHANTMENT OF THE INTELLIGENSIA?. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 34(1), 49–58. Retrieved from