The Jornal Nacional news report and Dilma Rousseff's destitution rite



Jornal Nacional, Dilma Roussef, coup, impeachment, nation


Sociology is currently concerned with the rites of institution through which individuals become the custodians of state power (Bourdieu, 2014). But the coup of 2016 in Brazil offers a rare opportunity to analyze a rite of dismissal in which different instances of state power converged on the purpose of emptying the symbolic capital of the elected President of the Republic. But if the institutional place of the coup was the Plenary of the two houses of Congress, its main symbolic niche was the Jornal Nacional. Following the decisive steps in this  long process, we analyzed five editions of the JN, selected according to the relevance for the purpose of the research: The March 4, day of the coercive conduction of Lula determined by Sérgio Moro; The March 16, when it was announced the recording of a telephone conversation between Dilma and Lula regarding the appointment of the latter as Minister of the Civil House; The April 18, the date of the vote in the Chamber of Deputies that authorized the opening of the process for the removal of the President; The May 12, the day of the dismissal of Dilma and the inauguration of Temer; And the August 31, when the Senate approved the definitive dismissal of Dilma. For this purpose, we use content analysis (Bardin, 2009) seeking to demonstrate how the social monopoly of the idea of "nation" is constituted today, since one of the poles of the dispute is usually presented as a bulwark of "national interest " while in the opposite side, actors are portrayed by the JN as particularists, linked to partisan and criminal interests.


Author Biography

Maria Eduarda da Mota Rocha, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Professora Associada da UFPE (Departamento de Sociologia e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia)


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How to Cite

Rocha, M. E. da M. (2019). The Jornal Nacional news report and Dilma Rousseff’s destitution rite. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 50(2), 359–398. Retrieved from