The 40 Years of “Labor and Monopoly Capital”, by Harry Braverman: the persistent trade union fragility in matters related to the labour process
Harry Braverman, Labor Process, Sociology, Trade UnionismAbstract
This article is inspired by 40th anniversary of the first edition of the book Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth, by Harry Braverman. First, we present the context in which the work emerge and resumed the general lines of “labour process debate”, in which the book in question has occupied significant space for having revived the intellectual production on the subject of the labor process. Subsequently, we will see that the work of Braverman instigated important theoretical extensions and also criticism, some of which we drawn to the attention. The article continues by presenting some examples of international trade union practices, as well as that of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT (Unified Workers Central), in order to show the pertinence and the effective possibility of taking the theme of the labor process as a problem of union interest. At the end, we argue that the union influence in the affairs of production, despite some successes and many efforts, is still limited, denoting a continuing weakness of the Brazilian trade unions to negotiate the innovations in the labor process that are implemented within the companies.
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