“Sovereign Parenting” in Affluent Latin American Neighborhoods: race, and the geopolitics of childcare in Ipanema (Brazil) and El Condado (Puerto Rico)


  • Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas University Yale


Parenting, Sovereignty, Domestic Work, Brazil, Puerto Rico


In this ethnographic study with parents living in the affluent areas of Ipanema, Brazil, and El Condado, Puerto Rico, I examine how urban Latin American elites reformulate their understandings of race and classs in relationship to their parenting practices. In particular I consider how these upperclass parents interpreted their relationship with the poor, darkskin women hired to care for their children; those women were largely immigrants from the Dominican Republic, in El Condado, and migrants from the Brazilian Northeast, in Ipanema. I demonstrate how the genuinely positive feelings these elite parents harbored toward domestic workers, in fact, sustained power inequalities inherent in the parent-nanny relationship. I introduce the concept of “sovereign parenting,” as a unique characteristic of this parent-nanny relationship in Ipanema and El Condado.


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How to Cite

Ramos-Zayas, A. Y. (2017). “Sovereign Parenting” in Affluent Latin American Neighborhoods: race, and the geopolitics of childcare in Ipanema (Brazil) and El Condado (Puerto Rico). Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 48(2), 137–184. Retrieved from