Structionals and Esthetic Aspects of the Literature Access in the Contemporary Brazil


  • Lídia de Teive e Argolo


Literature, School System, Aesthetic Disposition, Feelings Structure, Reception


Taking the literature as a cultural dimension of production and sharing of meanings, this present article aims to present some aspects of access to this type of content taking into account some structural issues that underlie access to literature in Brazil today, as well as some aesthetic elements that influence how the works are being received. In developing the approach, the school is perceived as a significant instance in structuring access to literature and, moreover, exerts significant influence in the reception process. In that sense, trying to understand the literature entry in Brazilian society today, it’s based on mapping structural and aesthetic aspects of access to literature in high school grades in Brazil.

Author Biography

Lídia de Teive e Argolo

Doutora em Cultura e Sociedade pela UFBA, Professora Assistente da UNEB - CAMPUS XII. Pesquisadora da área Sociologia da arte (literatura e teatro).


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How to Cite

de Teive e Argolo, L. (2017). Structionals and Esthetic Aspects of the Literature Access in the Contemporary Brazil. Revista De Ciências Sociais (Social Sciences’ Journal), 48(1), 245–268. Retrieved from