Hansen’s disease clinical forms correlations with sex and age


  • Sáskia Cipriano Capelo
  • Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca


Hansen’s disease, Sex, Age.


Hansen’s Disease is a infect-contagious illness that attacks the Periferical System sensitive and motor losses. The objective of this study is to correlate the Hansen’s disease number of cases with the variables Clinical Forms, Sex and age. It also makes an epidemiological study through the patient’s records investigation. The data collection was accompmplished in may of 1997. The sample was made up of 80 records having as selection criteria the fact of the patient is being in treatment and its clinical diagnose. A sample of 40 patients was selected from each sex, prevailing male patients with multibacilar cases since female patients presented paucibacilar cases in the big majority of times. In relation to the clinical form 73% of the cases were multibacilar, and 27% paucibacilar. Related to age, groups there is a likely to encounter more multibacilar patients as they get older.




How to Cite

Capelo, S. C., & Pagliuca, L. M. F. (2000). Hansen’s disease clinical forms correlations with sex and age. Rev Rene, 1(2). Retrieved from



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