The nurse in the vaccination room: a reflexive analysis of the practice


  • Sanzia Lucia Paulino de Sousa
  • Akemi Iwata Monteiro
  • Bertha Cruz Enders
  • Rejane Maria de Paiva Menezes


Vaccines, vaccination, nursing services.


The objective was to analyze the nurse’s practice in the vaccination room, using the health vigilance model as reference. A critical reflexive analysis was conducted on the observations of faculty members in a health care unit. It was observed that the nurse has few specific activities in the vaccination room and enters it only to solve problems or when a worker is absent. The epidemiological profile of the community and the reference model of health vigilance are little used, as evidenced by the user indifferent behavior. The nursing team and the nurse should conduct the vaccination activities if quality vaccination services are to attend the individual and collective demands.




How to Cite

Sousa, S. L. P. de, Monteiro, A. I., Enders, B. C., & Menezes, R. M. de P. (2003). The nurse in the vaccination room: a reflexive analysis of the practice. Rev Rene, 4(2). Retrieved from



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