Intensive care unit patients’ perception regarding hospitalization


  • Mírian Lima Moreira
  • Maria Euridéa de Castro


Intensive care, Patient, Nursing care.


The descriptive study, aiming at identifying the meaning of being a patient at the Intensive Therapy Unit, analyzes their perceptions regarding hospitalization. The data were collected during the months of February and March 2003. The universe of the study was composed of 08 patients who were in nursing rooms, coming from Intensive Therapy Unit. The results show us that the patients perceive the ITU as a place which is reserved to receive patients in bad conditions and life-risk situations, having possibilities of recovering, due to the competence of professionals. The multiprofessional hospital team, technology and performance in the effort of changing the severe conditions of the patient, makes the ITU environment inhumane and exhausting for the patient, as some people highlighted. There are also other problems, such as: light, noise, sleep privation, insecurity, shame and loneliness. We need to perceive the patient as a human being who needs care, in face of conflicts, anxiety and expectations. This way, we will attend and understand the essence of taking care.




How to Cite

Moreira, M. L., & Castro, M. E. de. (2006). Intensive care unit patients’ perception regarding hospitalization. Rev Rene, 7(1). Retrieved from



Research Article