Use of continuous positive airway pressure in newborns: knowledge of the nursing team


  • Daniela Mota da Silva
  • Edna Maria Camelo Chaves
  • Leilane Martins Farias
  • Ana Luiza Paula de Aguiar Lélis


Knowledge, Nursing, Team, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Infant, Newborn.


This study aimed to assess the knowledge of nursing professionals on the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in newborns, the complications caused by this use and the accomplished interventions. This is a descriptive research with quan­titative approach carried out in the municipal district of Juazeiro do Norte-CE-Brazil, in May 2010, in the neonatal intensive care unit and in the neonatal intermediary care unit of a reference hospital. The sample was composed by 12 nurses and 18 nursing technicians. Data were collected through a questionnaire on the main complications with the use of CPAP and nursing interventions related. The most frequent complications caused in newborns were: septal necrosis, irritation and discomfort. Among the interventions performed by the nursing team, the following were mentioned: airway aspiration and appropriate position of newborns. It was so concluded that the knowledge of the nursing team on the complications of CPAP use was limited to the most prevalent effects in the assistance practice, although the technicians have pointed larger diversity of complications.




How to Cite

Silva, D. M. da, Chaves, E. M. C., Farias, L. M., & Lélis, A. L. P. de A. (2010). Use of continuous positive airway pressure in newborns: knowledge of the nursing team. Rev Rene, 11. Retrieved from



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