Incidence of congenital malformation and health attention in reference institutions


  • Virgínia Rossana de Sousa Brito
  • Francisco Stélio de Souza
  • Fabíola de Araújo Leite Medeiros
  • Alexsandro Silva Coura
  • Francisco Henrique Assis Gadelha
  • Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França


Congenital abnormalities, Child, Exceptional, Health services


This study aimed to identify the incidence of congenital malformation in reference services, sociodemographic profile of parents, composition of health professional staff and notes on children’s monitoring of development and growth. It was a quantitative documentary study, developed in five reference services. The sample was composed by 103 medical records of children up to ten years of age, using two forms. The highest incidence was in male children, Down syndrome, microcephaly, hydrocephalus and deafness. Most reference teams aren’t composed by all the professionals required for the comprehensive care of children. The nurse doesn’t take part in the composition of the teams. The analysis of growth and development of children was not possible due to lack of registration in the medical records. The sociodemographic profile of children’s parents was characterized by a diversity of income, age and educational level. Malformations indicated previously, outnumber the other congenital ones, constituting a public health problem. The references investigated seek to meet the health needs of demand to develop psychomotor skills.




How to Cite

Brito, V. R. de S., Souza, F. S. de, Medeiros, F. de A. L., Coura, A. S., Gadelha, F. H. A., & França, I. S. X. de. (2010). Incidence of congenital malformation and health attention in reference institutions. Rev Rene, 11(4). Retrieved from



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