Clinical components associated to nursing care of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Child, Adolescent, Kidney Failure Chronic, Nursing Care.Abstract
The aim of this work is to discuss the clinical components associated to the needs of care to children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease in dialysis treatment. This is a descriptive study carried out at a specialized clinic linked to the Brazilian Unified Health System, in the city of Fortaleza/Ceará/Brazil. 33 medical records were assessed concerning identification, cause of chronic kidney inadequacy, weight, comorbidity and treatment. There was a prevalence of females (60.6%) and the main causes were glomerulopathies (39.4%), followed by uropathies (36.4%), 51.5% presented weight ≤ P3. The most frequent comorbidities were hypertension and heart diseases. Peritonitis (30.3%) was the most common complication in peritoneal dialysis, and anemia (39.4%) in hemodialysis. Patients in peritoneal dialysis presented more appropriate hematological and biochemical levels. Nursing care included exam monitoring, direct supervision to the patient and educational actions related to infection prevention.Published
How to Cite
Pennafort, V. P. dos S., & Queiroz, M. V. O. (2011). Clinical components associated to nursing care of children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease. Rev Rene, 12(4). Retrieved from
Research Article