Group activities in the promotion of female’s health: integrative review


  • Zeile da Mota Crispim
  • Denize Bouttelet Munari
  • Ana Karina Marques Salge
  • Roselma Lucchese


Health education, nursing, group structure, woman’s health.


The study aimed to identify evidence of the use of group activities by nurses as an intervention tool in promoting women’s health, trough an integrative literature review in national nursing periodic indexing in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences. The gathering of data was made from July/2008 to January/2010, which after being analyzed allowed the inclusion of 40 articles, focusing on adult woman, teenager, sexuality, sexual rights, reproductive and aging process. It was so concluded that it had expansion of group strategy in the woman health assistance, which is relevant to the national program, responsible to guide this attention. Although there are gaps, the researches that had been analyzed contribute to the construction of knowledge and lead the nurse positively to high quality aid actions.



How to Cite

Crispim, Z. da M., Munari, D. B., Salge, A. K. M., & Lucchese, R. (2011). Group activities in the promotion of female’s health: integrative review. Rev Rene, 12(3). Retrieved from



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