Associate nursing graduate program in the modality of academic master: advances and prospects


  • Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França
  • Fátima Maria da Silva Abrão
  • Regina Célia de Oliveira
  • Carla Campos Muniz Medeiros
  • Francisco Stélio de Sousa
  • Gabriela Maria Cavalcanti Costa


Nursing, nursing evaluation research, education, nursing, graduate, health postgraduate programs.


The Academic Master in Nursing of the University of Pernambuco/State University of Paraíba was implanted in a modality of wide association. The objective was to highlight the legal and operational aspects that characterize this program and focus the main results of annual monitoring conducted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in 2009. This descriptive study whose sample was composed by secondary data contained in the program. It was used a form containing variables related to the creation and development of the course. From the analysis emerged two thematic categories: Characteristics of master in nursing in the wide association mode and results of annual monitoring. The program visibility, faculty profile, distribution of research activities, formation of permanent faculty and intellectual production were considered as 3. The social insertion related to integration and cooperation with other programs or research centers and the technical production constitutes gaps that need to be filled.



How to Cite

França, I. S. X. de, Abrão, F. M. da S., Oliveira, R. C. de, Medeiros, C. C. M., Sousa, F. S. de, & Costa, G. M. C. (2011). Associate nursing graduate program in the modality of academic master: advances and prospects. Rev Rene, 12(3). Retrieved from



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