Thermoregulation of the newborn: care during the admission in a pediatric emergency UNIT


  • Aldiania Carlos Balbino
  • Maria Vera Lúcia Moreira Leitão Cardoso
  • Ana Luíza Paula de Aguiar Lélis
  • Fabíola Chaves Fontoura
  • Gleicia Martins de Melo


Infant, Newborn, Body Temperature Regulation, Emergencies.


We aimed to investigate the care in thermoregulation of the newborn during the admission in a High Complexity Pediatric Emergency Unit. Retrospective documentary study, carried out in a teaching hospital of Ceará, Brazil. Data collection was performed through a form, 149 medical records of newborns with a request for transfer to neonatal intensive care unit. There was prevalence of males, at term, weighing between 2,500 and 3,999 grams, and born vaginally in hospitals. Among the main causes that led to the unit transfer request, 44.3% presented respiratory disorders. Most (85.9%) was Normothermic, and the most evident care was checking the axillary temperature and the use of heat sources (incubator, radiant heat source). We concluded that mild hypothermia was the most present risk indicator and that cares concerning the thermoregulation in the admission of the newborn are consistent with the clinical manifestations presented.





How to Cite

Balbino, A. C., Cardoso, M. V. L. M. L., Lélis, A. L. P. de A., Fontoura, F. C., & Melo, G. M. de. (2013). Thermoregulation of the newborn: care during the admission in a pediatric emergency UNIT. Rev Rene, 14(2). Retrieved from



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