Modifiable risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among university students
Noncommunicable Diseases; Risk Factors; Students; Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to identify modifiable risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among university students. Methods: a cross-sectional study, carried out at a private university center in the countryside of Ceará, with 329 students, interviewed by averages of a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: predominantly students with an average age of 21 years, female (74.5%), single (87.8%) and income higher than three minimum wages. They had consumption of insufficient protective food and as well as harmful food. They did not practice physical activity (62.2%), low consumption of tobacco (1.3%) and high prevalence of alcoholism (37.8%). Practices of physical activities, alcohol consumption and vegetables were significantly associated with sociodemographic and health data. Conclusion: modifiable risk factors for non-communicable diseases were identified, making it necessary to articulate the health sector and the university in the implementation of health promotion strategies in educational institutions.
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