Analysis of technical disallowances in a surgical center of a private general hospital
Surgicenters; Health Personnel; Documentation; Billing; Costs and Cost Analysis.Abstract
Objective: to analyze technical disallowances in a surgical center of a private general hospital. Methods: retrospective documentary study with a sample of 383 medical records with disallowed hospital accounts in which the percentages of disallowances were evaluated through Generalized Estimating Equation models. Results: 1,373 items were disallowed, 82.1% corresponded to nursing professionals and 17.9% to anesthesiologist physicians. The “materials” and “medicines” accounting groups presented the greater number of items disallowed: 67.7% and 13.2%, respectively. The highest amount of disallowed items was generated by nursing professionals, however the highest percentage corresponded to anesthetist physicians. Conclusion: the analysis of hospital accounts allowed the calculation of the number of technical disallowances, with a total of 1,373 items. Nursing professionals were responsible for most of the disallowed items, and the “materials” accounting group predominated, contributing to the search for alternatives that increase billing in the surgical center studied.
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