Scope and limits of the transmission of psychoanalysis in the university: reflections from the actions developed by the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis at UFC


  • Laéria Fontenele Universidadel Federal do Ceará
  • Clarissa Maia E. Barreto Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Miguel Fernandes Vieira Filho


Psychoanalysis, university, teaching, transmission.


The aim, here, is to make a reflection on the scope and limits of the working focusing on the teaching and the transmission of psychoanalysis in the university. For this, we will start by analyzing the results of teaching actions, researching and extension undertaken by the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis at UFC within its thirteen years of existence. We will describe these actions and demonstrate that, even not dedicating oneself to the training of analysts - once this is done in non-university scientific institutions, thus having as basic condition the analyst’s personal analysis among other non-suitable devices into a university structure, the way the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis has provided the opportunity for Undergraduate and Graduate students in Psychology to learn something from psychoanalysis, has added, thereby, some value to their academic and professional journeys. Through a systematic and tireless work, the project has demonstrated that the presence of psychoanalysis in the University can, in spite of the difficulties which are structural, handle mutual benefits and generate resonances that can provide transmission effects.


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Author Biographies

Laéria Fontenele, Universidadel Federal do Ceará

Psicanalista; Professora da UFC; Coordenadora do Laboratório de Psicanálise da UFC, Diretora do Corpo Freudiano Seção Fortaleza.

Clarissa Maia E. Barreto, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Graduanda em Psicologia; Bolsista de Extensão.

Miguel Fernandes Vieira Filho

Psicólogo; Coordenador Adjunto do Laboratório de Psicanálise da UFC



How to Cite

Fontenele, L., Barreto, C. M. E., & Filho, M. F. V. (2011). Scope and limits of the transmission of psychoanalysis in the university: reflections from the actions developed by the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis at UFC. Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 161–166. Retrieved from


