Mental health of undergraduate students: Predictive role of demographic variables, related to academic experience and resilience
Academic stress, mental health, resilience, university environment, studentsAbstract
Human beings undergo constant adaptation throughout their lives, and the transition into higher education is no exception. Numerous factors contribute to the manifestation of stress symptoms among students, including seminars, exams, and the competitive nature of the academic environment—essentially, the overall academic routine. Elevated stress levels have the potential to compromise both the physical and psychological well-being of students, disrupting the seamless progression of their academic journey. This study aims to evaluate the intricate relationship between resilience, mental health, and academic stress while identifying risk and protective factors against psychological distress in the university context. A non-probabilistic sample of 323 university students, aged 18 to 56 years (M= 22.5; SD = 5.24; 70.3% female), participated in the study. The findings highlight those individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds, those with low resilience, and high academic stress are more prone to mental health problems. These results underscore the significance of implementing financial support programs for low-income students and providing psychological support within the university setting. Such initiatives aim to bolster the subjective resources of students, particularly in the cultivation of socio-emotional skills and resilience.
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