Art in school: a qualitativy analysis of art teaching in public schools


  • Fernanda Brentegani Vianna Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais


education, art, school, professor, conception.


The aim of this study is to identify the conception of the art by art teachers, and to analyze what is being done in the professional practice in this sector. This is a transversal descriptive qualitative research through an interview with eight questions applied to three art teachers. First, a contact with the institutions was done in order the research could be authorized and explained in its aims. After it the interviews were applied. In the interviews, the definition of art by the teachers is divided in subcategories, i.e. Expression and accessibility. Professional practice was divided in four categories: formation, motivation, positive and negative aspects. It was seen that the lack of specialized professors, lack of resources, relation cost and benefit and turn over are considered the main negatives aspects to the quality of the teaching of art.


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How to Cite

Vianna, F. B. (2015). Art in school: a qualitativy analysis of art teaching in public schools. Journal of Psychology, 2(1), 71–77. Retrieved from


