About autistic pupils’ inclusion in regular school. When the field is responsible for the choice of the theory


  • Dayse Serra Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Autism, Inclusion, education, intolerance.


This article deals with the problem of the inclusion of the autistic students in the regular educational system. Over time, the educational inclusion has been transforming itself into the right of the students who are bearers of deficiency, but it is possible to observe that their inclusion is not yet confirmed in a proper way in the everyday life of the school. Although it is possible to find the matter of inclusion in many legal documents, the lack of public policies becomes difficult the organization of the pedagogic practices which allow the permanence of the autistic students in the regular school.


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Author Biography

Dayse Serra, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Mestre em Educação pela UERJ, Psicopedagoga e Pedagoga Especialista em Educação de Alunos com Autismo nas Prefeituras De Duque de Caxias (RJ) e Belford Roxo (RJ).



How to Cite

Serra, D. (2010). About autistic pupils’ inclusion in regular school. When the field is responsible for the choice of the theory. Journal of Psychology, 1(2), 163–176. Retrieved from


