The pillars of resilience observed in psychomotor practice



Systematic observation, pillars of resilience, psychomotor practice


In this paper, we describe a study in which systematic observation was used to investigate the promotion of resilience in psychomotor practice. The work is part of a larger study titled "The promotion of resilience in the established bond between adolescents and educators" ( of theoretical and practical aspects of resilience analyzed within the context of the relationship formed between a small group of adolescents and their psychomotor therapist. We describe an innovative methodological approach that involved the construction of an ad hoc observation instrument to analyze the promotion of pillars of resilience within a series of psychomotor practice sessions.


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Author Biography

Alexandra Moreno Pinho, Universidade de Barcelona

Alexandra Moreno Pinho, realizou os seus estudo de doutorado na Universidade de Barcelona e atualmente se encontra em Salvador-Bahia trabalhando em intituição privada de ensino superior.


“Resilience is a dynamic process based on our ability to move forward and overcome and understand traumatic, conflictive, and stressful situations. Resilience is the ability to laugh at oneself without losing the hope of being happy one day. Resilience is believing in the meaning of life and using our creative abilities to resolve problems that emerge every day” (Moreno 2011:67).



How to Cite

Pinho, A. M., Pastor, C., & Anguera, M. T. (2017). The pillars of resilience observed in psychomotor practice. Journal of Psychology, 8(2), 101–109. Retrieved from