The expansion of psychology courses in Ceará: studying the teacher’s training through the documentary research


  • Jesus Garcia Pascual Universidade Federal do Ceará


Education, psychology, teaching, formation.


The report is a study about the expansion of Psychology courses in Ceará and the corresponding subjects of their academic programs, aiming to unveil knowledge about teaching practices and proposing actions that add quality to this expansion. The main question that this research attempts to answer refers to the profile of the curriculum presented in the courses which is part of compulsory subjects of the studying programs of the period between the second and sixth academic semester with respect to the professional formation, teaching methodology and assesment of the students’ learning level. It is a documentary research that uses the content analysis as methodological procedures in order to infer categories that help to know the practices of the psychological education. The results in the survey were analyzed from the perspective of the Critical Pedagogy. Disciplines programs seem to be very well elaborated. But it is clear the need for further studies that include in their methodolgy the listening to teachers because these considered programs do not correspond to the actual teaching practices. It is proposed as an educational challenge to revitalize these psycholgy teaching programs so that they can go beyond their crystallization in the form of a quod scriptum, scriptum est and in order to follow the dynamics of societal settings and contemporary subjectivities.


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Author Biography

Jesus Garcia Pascual, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professor aposentado do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do
Ceará (2005). Possui graduação em Filosofia, Pedagogia, Psicologia. Especialização em Gestão Escolar e mestrado em Psicologia Clínica.


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How to Cite

Pascual, J. G. (2016). The expansion of psychology courses in Ceará: studying the teacher’s training through the documentary research. Journal of Psychology, 7(1), 13–24. Retrieved from


