Community psychology nucleus (NUCOM) and its implications in psychology graduation and post-graduation
Community Psychology, Poverty, Training of PsychologyAbstract
Community Psychology Nucleus (NUCOM), an affiliated to the Universidade Federal do Ceará’s Dean of Extension program, operates based on the tripod Education, Research and Extension with the objective of contribuiting with methodological, conceptual and instrumental knowledge to the execution of activities in poor communities, developing and stengthening individuals of the community. In 2015, NUCOM has had as a scop of activity the development of theoretical knowledge and practices related to the psichossocial implications of poverty. Working within the communities of Bom Jardim and Canafístula (Apuiarés), NUCOM has been searching for a greater interaction with the research “Impacts of Poverty in Communitary Healthness Development: psychossocial avaliation of rural communities in Northeast, North and South Regions.” Building international partnerships and agreements with universities in Mexico, Barcelona and Peru represents the growth of exchange arrangements and research. All activities are organized by graduation, master and doctor students, and a teacher. Common spaces, such as: supervisal of extension projects, planning of NUCOM’s activities, collaborative publications, study groups, research engagement and education training, promote graduation and post-graduation sharing.Downloads
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